Anti–Diet – Christy Harrison
In Anti-Diet, Christy Harrison takes on diet culture and the multi-billion-dollar industries that profit from it, exposing all the ways it robs people of their time, money, health, and happiness. It will turn what you think you know about health and wellness upside down, as Harrison explores the history of diet culture, how it's infiltrated the health and wellness world, how to recognize it in all its sneaky forms, and how letting go of efforts to lose weight or eat "perfectly" actually helps to improve people's health - no matter their size. Drawing on scientific research, personal experience, and stories from patients and colleagues, Anti-Diet provides a radical alternative to diet culture, and helps listeners reclaim their bodies, minds, and lives so they can focus on the things that truly matter.
Body Respect – Lindo Bacon
Dr. Linda Bacon and Dr. Lucy Aphramor's Body Respect debunks common myths about weight, including the misconceptions that BMI can accurately measure health, that fatness necessarily leads to disease, and that dieting will improve health. They also help make sense of how poverty and oppression—such as racism, homophobia, and classism—affect life opportunity, self-worth, and even influence metabolism. Body insecurity is rampant, and it doesn't have to be. It's time to overcome our culture's shame and distress about weight, to get real about inequalities and health, and to show every body respect.
Embodied – Connie Sobczak
This book's message is rooted in the belief that people inherently possess the wisdom necessary to make healthy choices and live peacefully in their bodies. It emphasizes that self-love, acceptance of genetic diversity in body size, celebration of the unique beauty of every individual, and intuitive self-care are fundamental to achieving good physical and emotional health. Embody guides readers step by step through five core competencies:- Reclaim Health- Practice Intuitive Self-Care- Cultivate Self-Love- Declare Your Own Authentic Beauty- Build Community
Pursuing Perfection – Margo Maine and Joe Kelly
In Pursuing Perfection, authors Margo Maine and Joe Kelly explore the emotional, social and cultural factors behind the ongoing epidemic of disordered eating and body image despair in adult women at midlife and beyond. Written from a biopsychosocial and feminist perspective, Pursuing Perfection describes the many issues women encounter as they navigate a rapidly changing culture that promotes unhealthy standards for beauty and appearance. This updated and expanded edition (originally published as The Body Myth: Adult Women and the Pressure to Be Perfect) is a unique guide for anyone seeking practical tools and strategies for adult women looking to establish health and body acceptance.
8 Keys to Recovery from an Eating Disorder – Carolyn Costin & Gwen Schubert Grabb
For anyone who has suffered, their family and friends, and other helping professionals, this book should be by your side. With great compassion and clinical expertise, Costin and Grabb walk readers through the ins and outs of the recovery process, describing what therapy entails, clarifying the common associated emotions such as fear, guilt, and shame, and, most of all, providing motivation to seek help if you have been discouraged, resistant, or afraid. The authors bring self-disclosure to a level not yet seen in an eating disorder book and offer hope to readers that full recovery is possible.
8 Keys to Recovery from an Eating Disorder Workbook – Carolyn Costin & Gwen Schubert Grabb
Clients of Costin and Grabb consistently tell them that knowing they are both recovered is one of the most helpful aspects of their treatment. With this experience as a foundation, the authors bring together years of clinical expertise and invaluable personal testimony, from themselves and others, to the strategies in this book. Readers will get a glimpse of what it's like to be in therapy with either Carolyn or Gwen. Filled with tried and true practical exercises, goal sheets, food journal forms, clinical anecdotes and stories, readers are guided in exploring their thoughts, feelings, and coping strategies while being encouraged to choose how they want to approach the material.
50 Ways to Soothe Yourself from Food – Susan Albers
Susan Albers, author of Eating Mindfully, now offers 50 Ways to Soothe Yourself Without Food, a collection of mindfulness skills and practices for relaxing the body in times of stress and ending your dependence on eating as a means of coping with difficult emotions. You'll not only discover easy ways to soothe urges to overeat, you'll also learn how to differentiate emotion-driven hunger from healthy hunger. Reach for this book instead of the refrigerator next time you feel the urge to snack-these alternatives are just as satisfying!
50 More ways to Sooth Yourself without Food – Susan Albers
Based in popular mindfulness practices, this book will show you how to slow down and be present during mealtime so that you end up making healthier choices. In addition, the activities in the book—such as yoga, aromatherapy, and breathing exercises—will help you gain a greater overall sense of well-being and appreciation for your body. If you’re ready to stop using food as an emotional crutch, and start feeling healthy, happy, and truly fulfilled, this book offers fifty more ways!
Binge Control – Cynthia Bulik
Binge Control is a compact guide to understanding binge eating disorder (BED) and a companion to Crave: Why You Binge Eat and How to Stop. It is designed to help people who have BED better understand their condition and their treatment options and to help family members and friends of individuals with BED provide understanding and support to their loved ones during recovery. The most important message in this handbook is that BED is treatable. Many effective therapies and medications exist. The goal is to know what is available and to find the treatment or combination of treatments that work best for you. Binge Control can help guide you down your pathway of recovery and get your binge eating in control.
Life without ED – Jenni Schafer & Thom Rutledge
Jenni had been in an abusive relationship with Ed for far too long. He controlled Jenni's life, distorted her self-image, and tried to physically harm her throughout their long affair. Then Jenni met psychotherapist and author Thom Rutledge. He taught her how to treat her eating disorder as a relationship, not a condition. By thinking of her eating disorder as a unique personality separate from her own, Jenni was able to break up with Ed once and for all.
Inspiring, compassionate, and filled with practical exercises to help you break up with your own personal E.D., Life Without Ed provides new hope for the disorders that plague millions of women and young girls. Beginning with Jenni's "divorce" from Ed, this supportive, lifesaving book combines a patient's insights and experiences with a therapist's prescriptions for success to help you live a healthier, happier life without Ed.
Overcoming Binge Eating – Christopher Fairburn
This trusted bestseller provides all the information needed to understand binge eating and bring it under control, whether you are working with a therapist or on your own. Clear, step-by-step guidelines show you how to:
*Overcome the urge to binge.
*Gain control over what and when you eat.
*Break free of strict dieting and other habits that may contribute to binges.
*Establish stable, healthy eating patterns.
*Improve your body image and reduce the risk of relapse.
The Body Image Workbook – Thomas Cash
As you complete the helpsheets in this book, you'll learn to celebrate your body instead of feeling ashamed of it. This new edition includes discussions of our obsession with physical appearance and with body-fixing options. It helps you discover your personal body image strengths and vulnerabilities and then guides you in creating new, life-changing experiences of mindfulness and body acceptance. After completing this eight-step program, you'll look at yourself in a whole new light-seeing the beauty of the real you.
Every Memory Deserves Respect: EMDR, the Proven Trauma Therapy with the Power to Heal - Michael Baldwin & Deborah Korn
You or someone you care about has probably experienced trauma, whether “big-T” trauma, such as emotional, physical, or sexual abuse or the more common but no less significant “little-t” trauma that can result from divorce, job loss, painful childhood experiences, or any situation where you felt worthless, afraid, or powerless. Untreated trauma can lead to long lasting effects such as depression, anxiety, PTSD, and difficulties maintaining intimate relationships.
The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma - Bessel van der Kolk M.D.
Dr. Bessel van der Kolk, one of the world’s foremost experts on trauma, has spent over three decades working with survivors. In The Body Keeps the Score, he uses recent scientific advances to show how trauma literally reshapes both body and brain, compromising sufferers’ capacities for pleasure, engagement, self-control, and trust.
Self-Compassion: The Proven Power of Being Kind to Yourself - Dr. Kristin Neff
More and more, psychologists are turning away from an emphasis on self-esteem and moving toward self-compassion in the treatment of their patients—and Dr. Neff’s extraordinary book offers exercises and action plans for dealing with every emotionally debilitating struggle, be it parenting, weight loss, or any of the numerous trials of everyday living.